Cleaning Up

Since the weather has turned cool and wet, Chalo took the liberty of collecting the troughs yesterday evening, cleaning them with bleach, and storing them. We are happy to keep the bird paraphernalia (troughs, buckets, picker uppers, fencing materials, etc.) there until a more permanent place can be found for them.

Kelly wrote to report that she sighted one egret yesterday at around 9:30 a.m. across from building Y, on the periwinkle-covered slope by the parking lot.  We came up empty after touring the rookery perimeter at 10 a.m., 4:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. yesterday and at noon today, but it is easy to miss one bird.
Please keep your eyes peeled for an eccentric, “wading,” white-feathered individual.
We’ll wait for at least two days without a sighting before declaring egret season formally over.

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