Many thanks for attending last Thursday’s meeting with Kirby Vahle, the VP for the UTSW Physical Plant. The minutes are posted at the Audubon Dallas thread.
If you can, please send special thanks to Anna and Betsy of Audubon Dallas (their contact info. is in the above forum). They took the notes at the meeting and spent a good bit of time assembling the minutes.
As you will see, we stuck to our agenda, which focused on proposals for actions to repair the recent damage to the rookery, prevent future damage, and assist the visiting birds. Vahle agreed to:
1. Replace current signs around the Rookery with ones using information about the birds. (HES and AudubonDallas will furnish brief descriptions of visiting species.)
2. Notify TP&W about any plans to cut/trim around the rookery in future.
3. Call Rogers Wildlife to report distressed birds.
4. Report this meeting to the UTSW President to see if he agrees to issue an apology to the campus (as requested by Peter).
Texas Parks and Wildlife is expected to make recommendations later this week about the rookery.